Security Committee Update
submitted by Hal Lloyd
The Security Committee is a standing committee created by the Master Board several years back. Its current members are: Carol Benjamin, Denny Jones, Hal Lloyd, Jon Masters and John Thomas with Hal serving as Chairman.
The Security Committee’s main function is to advise the board on community security matters as they arise. For example, last summer the board solicited proposals from security companies wishing to provide their services to the community. The Security Committee was charged with reviewing and comparing the pros-cons of the various proposals and then to make a report to the board. That assignment was completed on time for the July 10th board meeting & the board’s decision.
Today, the Committee is working on three related issues: The Post Orders, an upcoming survey and DwellingLive.
The Post Orders are the basic guidelines under which the security company functions, and they fall into two categories. A section is devoted to how the gate guards interact with owners, guests and vendors primarily concerning community access. The second section instructs the Roving Patrol as to its duties and responsibilities.
The Post Orders have their genesis from the recorded Covenants and Restrictions of Pelican Bay and our community’s Rules and Regulations which are promulgated by the board. The board recognizes that as time passes, these orders need to be reviewed, changed and updated to keep current with the changing demographics of Pelican Bay. So that is what the Security Committee will be doing over the next several months. Hopefully we will be able to propose an improved, 2020 version of the Post Orders that will serve us all well.
The Security Committee is also preparing an opinion survey which will go out in the near future. This survey will only focus on Pelican Bay’s community access programs and will be sent to every property owner of record. Like the Post Orders above, the master board also wants to be sure that it keeps current on how we all feel about the benefits and costs relating to access into Pelican Bay. Look for the survey in your mailbox and please fill it out and return it as soon as you can. The survey will have a cutoff date so tabulations can be completed for the board’s use as soon as possible. Included with the survey will be a postage paid, addressed return envelope. We’re making it really easy for everyone to participate and hope that we get a great response.
DwellingLive is a very useful program that the board purchased and implemented several years ago. It is an “app” that permits owners and residents to interact with the gatehouse when they are expecting guests.
A major DwellingLive benefit is that is lets you know when a guest has been given access to Pelican Bay in your name. This virtually instant notice comes either over your smartphone, tablet, PC or all of them. So, you know your guests will soon arrive. On the other hand, if DwellingLive tells you someone just entered Pelican Bay under your name and you don’t know them, then you can call the HOA Office and report it. Neat stuff.
While DwellingLive has these great abilities, its software offers many, many other features. The Security Committee has been asked to explore these other features to see if expanding our DwellingLive program would benefit Pelican Bay’s residents.
If you are not using DwellingLive you are missing out on a great opportunity. The Security Committee heartily recommends that you stop by the HOA Office to find out how to sign up.
We on the Committee strive to do the best job we can for the master board and ultimately you. We appreciate all the support and feedback we have received and look forward to the challenges ahead.