ARC Approval Needed

As Pelican Bay residents we are doing whatever we can to cope at home while waiting for the Covid-19 to get the heck out of Dodge. A lot of us are finally getting to those little jobs around the house that we’ve been putting off for the proverbial rainy day. Some have even taken on bigger projects like painting, new roofs, major landscaping changes, and even erosion control along the canals. All of these things are helping to keep us sane while improving the value of our homes. Pelican Bay is looking better every day!

PLEASE REMEMBER that ARC approval (and perhaps a permit) is still needed before you start any outdoor project. The ARC committee is still meeting twice a month. Forms can be picked up from your property management company. The ARC process was featured in the December issue of the Pelican Post. To read that article click here.


Carl Julian


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